Overview of the Group
The two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling was quoted as saying that “Every aspect of the world today is affected by chemistry”. At the Grupa Azoty Group we perfectly realise that.
The two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling was quoted as saying that “Every aspect of the world today is affected by chemistry”. At the Grupa Azoty Group we perfectly realise that. We are Poland’s leading chemical business, proud of our chemical expertise and ability to harness chemistry to improve the quality of everyday lives of millions of people the world over. We probe into the interior of matter to find solutions to everyday problems. We make soil more fertile and we help people work. We are chemical engineers.
Grupa Azoty S.A. is a brand standing for superior standards. The wider the range of our products and services, the greater care we take of the surrounding world and quality of human life. Striving for excellence in every area of our activity, we focus equally on enhancing our corporate value and on satisfaction of all users of our products. We have built a modern, strong corporate group. We pursue a set of ambitious goals.
- Agro Fertilizers
- Plastics
- Chemicals
- Energy
- Other, including laboratory and leasing services
- Tarnów
- Puławy
- Police
- Kędzierzyn-Koźle
- Ammonia
- Benzene
- Phenol
- Phosphate rock
- Propylene
- Sulfur
- Potassium chloride
- Coal
- Natural gas
- European Union
- South America
- Asia
- Africa
- North America
Leader at home
The Grupa Azoty Group is Poland’s largest producer of chemicals, with a presence in the market segments of engineering plastics, nitrogen fertilizers and compound fertilizers, as well as OXO alcohols and plasticizers.
Top 1 in
- nitrogen, nitrogen and sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus, and compound fertilizers
- polyamides
- OXO alcohols and plasticizers
- titanium white and melamine
* Compound fertilizers combined (AP, NKP, PK).

Leader at home
Top EU producer
We are the first CEE company featured in the ICIS Top 40 Power Players 2015, which lists 40 most influential senior executives in the chemical market We stand among the top European chemical producers
TOP 2 in:
- nitrogen fertilizers
TOP 3 in:
- melamine
- compound fertilizers

See what we produce
Contribution to the Grupa Azoty Group’s revenue in Q1 2018:
Geographic structure in 2017:
Our principal business includes:
Agro Fertilizers
Mineral fertilizers are the main source of our revenue – the Group is Poland’s largest and European Union’s second largest manufacturer of mineral fertilizers. We offer nitrogen and compound fertilizers, as well as ammonia and other nitrogen-based intermediate products. Fertilizers are manufactured by the Group companies based in Tarnów, Puławy, Kędzierzyn, Police, Gdańsk, and Chorzów.
(For more information on our fertilizers, visit the customer zone at: https://nawozy.eu/ and http://nawozy.grupaazoty.com/)
Plastics represent the second largest segment of the Group’s sales. Our offering includes Tarnamid®, Alphalon® (the trade names of polyamide 6), Tarnoform® (the trade name of polyacetal (POM)), and other modified plastics. Plastics are manufactured by the Group companies based in Tarnów, Puławy, and Guben (Germany). We are the leading manufacturer of polyamide 6 (PA6) in Poland and its third largest producer in the European Union.
The Chemicals segment comprises OXO products (OXO alcohols, plasticizers), technical grade urea, melamine, sulfur, titanium white and other products.
Our main production plants operate their own in-house units generating electricity and heat, transmitted over our own distribution networks – mostly within the Group. We also supply electricity and hot domestic water to meet local demand.
In addition, the Group operates as a service provider. Its key service lines include maintenance (automation, design, repair, etc.), logistics (road transport, rail transport, port facilities), and catalyst manufacturing.
Grupa Azoty - core business
[102-6] We create state-of-the-art, top-of-the-range products, sold mainly in Poland. The target markets for our exports are mainly EU countries, especially Germany, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Italy, France and Belgium, as well as Asia and South America
Geographic breakdown of the Grupa Azoty Group (by revenue)
Geographic breakdown of the parent’s sales (by revenue)
As at December 31st 2017, apart from the parent Grupa Azoty S.A., our Group includes fourty subsidiaries. Three companies – Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty Puławy and Grupa Azoty Police − are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Despite our global reach, we remain a Polish organisation, with the bulk of our manufacturing operations located in Poland and the parent headquartered in Tarnów. Over the past five years, we have brought together Poland’s largest chemical plants under the single brand of Grupa Azoty, comprising a host of companies with different traditions and diverse, albeit complementary, business profiles. This has led to the creation of Poland’s largest chemical group and a major industry player in Europe. We actively contribute to the progress of the industries in which we operate, sharing our expert knowledge as members of several dozen associations and organisations.
In 2016 and 2017, the Grupa Azoty Group held memberships in the following organisations and associations: | Link |
Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii przy Instytucie Chemii Przemysłowej | website |
EPCA The European Petrochemical Association (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Petrochemiczne) | website |
EPF – European Panel Federation | website |
Executive Club | website |
Fertilizers Europe (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Producentów Nawozów) | website |
Forum ISO 14000 | website |
Forum Liderów Bezpiecznej Pracy | website |
GCU Bureau (General Contract of Use for Wagons) | website |
IFA – International Fertilizer Industry Association | website |
Instytut Audytorów Wewnętrznych IIa Polska | website |
ISSA – Organizacja ds. Bezpieczeństwa Systemów Informacyjnych | website |
Izba Energetyki Przemysłowej i Odbiorców Energii | website |
Izba Gospodarcza Transportu Lądowego | website |
Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa w Tarnowie | website |
Izba Rzemieślnicza oraz Małej i Średniej Przedsiębiorczości w Tarnowie | website |
Klaster Chemii Specjalistycznej Chem-Ster | website |
Klub Polskich Laboratoriów Badawczych POLLAB | website |
Klub Sportowy Azoty-Puławy | website |
Komitet Chemii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | website |
Konsorcjum Info – Tech – Med. Krajowa Sieć Informatyczna Europejskiej Agencji Bezpieczeństwa i Zdrowia w pracy | website |
Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna | website |
Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej | website |
Opolska Izba Gospodarcza | website |
Fundacja Instytut Centrum Badań ADR „Prawo i Gospodarka” | website |
Polska Izba Gospodarcza „Ekorozwój” | website |
Polska Izba Odzysku i Recyklingu Opakowań | website |
Polska Izba Przemysłu Chemicznego | website |
Polska Izba Rzeczników Patentowych | website |
Polska Platforma Technologiczna – Bezpieczeństwo Pracy w Przemyśle | none |
Polska Platforma Technologiczna Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych | none |
Polska Platforma Technologiczna Zrównoważonej Chemii | none |
Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny | website |
Polskie Forum ISO 9000 | website |
Polsko-Brazylijska Izba Gospodarcza | website |
Północna Izba Gospodarcza | website |
Fundacja Puławskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości | website |
Staszowska Izba Gospodarcza | website |
Stowarzyszenie Doradców ds. Bezpieczeństwa Przewozu Towarów Niebezpiecznych Koleją | website |
Stowarzyszenie Eksporterów Polskich | website |
Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich Oddział Tarnowski | website |
Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych | website |
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego | web site |
Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce Oddział Kraków, Oddział Lublin, Oddział Kielce | Kraków website Lublin website Kielce website |
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Skarbników Korporacyjnych | website |
Stowarzyszenie Zachodniopomorski Klaster Chemiczny | website |
System pomocy w transporcie materiałów niebezpiecznych SPOT | website |
Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A. | website |
Transparency Register | website |
In 2016, Grupa Azoty S.A. was additionally a member of: World Economic Forum; CEMS (The Global Alliance in Management Education); Pracodawcy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Employers of Poland); Polski Związek Przetwórców Tworzyw Sztucznych (Polish Association of Plastics Processing Companies); Chatham House; CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council); Plastics Europe; CEEP (Central European Energy Partners); ESA – the European Sulphuric Acid Association; Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa w Krakowie (Kraków Chamber of Commerce and Industry); Grupa Promocyjna NPG-6 (NPG-6 Promotional Group); Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza (Regional Chamber of Commerce); British Polish Chamber of Commerce; Puławska Izba Gospodarcza (Puławy Chamber of Commerce); Polska Grupa Bezpieczeństwa Chemicznego (Polish Chemical Safety Group); Forum Dużych Konsumentów Gazu (Large Gas Consumer Forum); Stowarzyszenie Lubelskie Drewno (Lublin Timber Association); TDMA (Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association); INCOPA (the European Inorganic Coagulants Producers Association); IPMA (International Project Management Association Poland); Business Club Szczecin; Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów i Importerów Soli Potasowej (Association of Consumers and Importers of Potassium Chloride); Partnership for the Environment Foundation (Green Office).
In 2017, it joined the following organisations: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Jakości (Polish Quality Management Association); International Controller Verein; Izba Gospodarcza Energetyki i Ochrony Środowiska (Economic Chamber of Energy and Environmental Protection); HTRI (Heat Transfer Research Inc.); Staropolska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa (Staropolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry); and Konsorcjum Bezpieczeństwo Gospodarcze Polski (Polish Economic Security Consortium)
Grupa Azoty is one of the leading chemical companies globally according to the ‘Value Creation in Chemicals 2016’ ranking compiled based on a review of the 190 largest industry players rated in terms of their total shareholder return. The review covered the value of shares and dividends paid. These in turn are driven by various factors, including fluctuations in revenue, profit margins, number of outstanding shares and debt level.